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Throughout 56 years of marriage our life-verses have been Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths!"
David Stokes has served growing churches in Kentucky, Ohio, Florida and Indiana. In 2023 he retired from 17 years as Senior Minister of Jerome Christian Church Church, Greentown, IN! He is currently leading his third interim ministry and continues leading a popular Sunday afternoon worship at Century Fields, a retirement community in Greentown. David is Founder/Director of "".
He has spoken for conferences, camps and missions in the U.S., Brazil, Canada Australia and Jamaica. He helped launch a leadership training center in Australia and served for 20 years as a Trustee of Cincinnati Christian University. He has served on several boards including Southern Cross Ministries, Central Brazil Mission, Alexander Christian Foundation of Florida and Central Florida New Churches Evangelism.
Marilyn Stokes has worked for Equifax, Fecchheimer Uniforms, a professional law firm, Highland Computer Forms, Orange County Schools (Orlando) and then for two Christian Preschools; in Hillsboro, OH then in Greentown, IN. For several years she taught a "Character Building" Bible class in Metropolitan School District Elementary schools, Wabash, IN. Our four daughters and families are all serving the Lord; one in Ohio, two in Indiana and one in heaven. We enjoy special times with our three daughters, sons-in-law and eight grandchildren! We also provide a comfortable living for two cats, Holly and Missy.
Since David's first trip to Israel, Greece and Jordan (a college student tour 36 years ago), we have led hundreds to experience Israel and other countries where Biblical events took place. We treasure friendships and lifelong memories, planning and leading these meaningful tours. "Footsteps of Jesus and More" in 2025 would have been David's 18th tour to various Bible Lands..
We are happy to answer your questions about any of the Bible lands. Wherever life takes you, may our God always direct YourPaths!
Your friends in Jesus,
David & Marilyn Stokes
Contact David today - it's easy.
Text, call, email - or simply click
on the blue hotlinks below.
David & Marilyn Stokes
606 N. Lakeview Court
Greentown, Indiana 46936
David teaching where Peter
confessed that Jesus is the Son of God! Caesarea Philippi, Israel.